Imran Khan, PTI Put Country’s Security at Risk, Created Rift in Army, Finds Pakistan Parliamentary Panel


Imran Khan, PTI Put Country’s Security at Risk, Created Rift in Army, Finds Pakistan Parliamentary Panel

There is strong evidence, according to a Parliamentary investigative committee, that the PTI and former prime minister Imran Khan plotted to discredit the army and its institutions.

A parliamentary panel has determined that during attacks on military sites on May 9 of last year, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, the party of former Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan, created a division in the army and endangered national security. Top insiders close to the establishment claim that a Parliament-appointed investigative committee has discovered damning evidence against the PTI and the Imran Khan-led government. They allegedly devised a plot to discredit the army and its establishments. The group was just recently constituted, and its report should be submitted shortly. According to sources, the report demonstrates that the attack was well-planned and not unprovoked.

More than a hundred instances have now been resolved, and in every one of them, it has come to light that the PTI founder was the instigator of the violence.
At least 90% of the parties involved in these instances have been found guilty and to have been motivated by Khan. The establishment will punish severely because it takes this seriously.
According to sources, the verdicts are not yet been announced and will probably be combined with the military courts’ decision. These courts would release their rulings as soon as the Pakistani Supreme Court grants permission, the sources continued.
Before making a decision, the panel reportedly considered every report produced by federal agencies, according to sources. They further stated that the committee would provide a thorough explanation on how to prevent such events in the future in addition to submitting a report about the assaults of May 9.
According to further sources, the panel’s assessment demonstrates that both international and local actors provided guidance and assistance during the conspiracy’s planning and execution. Authorities haven’t completely ruled out the possibility that this was done to gauge public opinion and test the waters before to Khan’s arrest.

CNN-News18 had earlier stated that the army tribunals were prepared to rule that Khan was the architect of the May 9 assaults of the previous year.

Reputable sources stated that the judgment is predicated on comments made by witnesses who testified against the 71-year-old former cricket player who is now a politician.


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