How the UAE Produces Artificial Rain and How It Connects to the Chaos of Dubai Weather


The UAE's water resources are severely strained due to its strong reliance on groundwater supplies and summer temperatures that can reach as high as 50 degrees Celsius.

How the UAE Produces Artificial Rain and How It Connects to the Chaos of Dubai Weather

New Delhi: Tuesday’s intense rainstorm caused significant flooding across the desert nation of Dubai, which is renowned for its dry environment and scorching heat. The unexpected deluge not only stopped the busy city’s normal pace, but it also raised concerns about the growing impact of climate change on local extreme weather events.
Less than 200 millimeters of rain fall on average per year in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE’s water resources are severely strained due to its strong reliance on groundwater supplies and summer temperatures that can reach as high as 50 degrees Celsius.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been in the forefront of developing novel approaches to address this urgent problem. One such approach is cloud seeding, a type of weather manipulation that increases precipitation by creating artificial rain. But how does it function?

How the UAE Produces Artificial Rain and How It Connects to the Chaos of Dubai Weather

Comprehending Cloud Seeding

The process of “seeding agents” into clouds in order to encourage condensation and precipitation is known as cloud seeding. Weather forecasters at the NCM start the procedure by keeping an eye on atmospheric conditions and using precipitation patterns to identify clouds that might be good candidates for seeding.

Following the identification of favorable clouds, specialized aircraft fitted with hygroscopic flares take to the air. These flares, which are fixed to the wings of the airplane, are made of salt substance. The flares are released into the target clouds, allowing the seeding agent to enter the cloud. The salt particles act as centers of condensation for water droplets, which eventually become heavy enough to fall as rain.

“For weather monitoring, the NCM has set up a nationwide network of 86 automatic weather stations (AWOS), six weather radars that cover the whole United Arab Emirates, and one upper air station. The approach is described by the UAEREP as follows: “The Center has also developed climate databases and helped with the development of high precision numerical weather predictions and simulation software in the UAE.”

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Cloud seeding was first attempted in the UAE in 1982. Collaborative scientific and technological research with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Colorado, USA, Witwatersrand University in South Africa, and NASA had strengthened the Gulf nation’s artificial rain program by the early 2000s.

The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is in charge of the Rain Enhancement Program (UAEREP). The program’s experts examined the physical and chemical properties of the UAE’s atmosphere, namely aerosols and pollutants, and how these affected the development of clouds. Finding a potent chemical to promote cloud formation and eventually increase rainfall was the goal.

“At present, the NCM operates four Beechcraft King Air C90 aircraft from Al Ain Airport equipped with the latest technologies and devices employed for cloud seeding and atmospheric research.”

Environmental Issues

Cloud seeding has been shown to have potential advantages, although questions have been raised concerning its effects on the environment and the safety of the seeding substances utilized. As a result, the NCM has taken steps to guarantee the longevity and safety of its activities.

The UAE’s cloud seeding program doesn’t use any hazardous chemicals, in contrast to several other nations’ that make use of silver iodide, a substance that resembles crystals and has sparked environmental worries. Rather, it uses organic salts as seeding agents.

15 thoughts on “How the UAE Produces Artificial Rain and How It Connects to the Chaos of Dubai Weather”

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