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“Those who lack common sense are…”: Prime Minister Modi criticizes Rahul Gandhi for saying he “saw people drunk on Varanasi roads at night.”
News India

“Those who lack common sense are…”: Prime Minister Modi criticizes Rahul Gandhi for saying he “saw people drunk on Varanasi roads at night.”

Folow Us On Intro Paragraph “Kashi and Uttar Pradesh’s young are putting forth a lot of effort to transform their states into developed ones. While the Uttar Pradesh is undergoing change and its young are hard at work creating a bright future for themselves, these dynasts are defaming them. The Congress Yuvraj claims that the […]

Russia: Over 400 detained while paying tribute to Alexei Navalny, Putin's longtime rival
News Worldwide

Russia: More than 400 people are held as they honor longstanding opponent of Putin, Alexei Navalny

According to Russian jail officials, Navalny passed away last week in the Arctic correctional camp following a stroll. But contradictory reports on the cause of death surfaced, casting doubt on the investigation’s integrity among Navalny’s followers. Longtime adversary of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Navalny has been imprisoned since 2021 after returning to his home country

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